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Hand Held Salt & Seed Spreader - 2.5kg

Hand Held Salt & Seed Spreader - 2.5kg

Regular price £44.99
Regular price Sale price £44.99
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Spread quickly and easily with our light weight, handheld spreader.

Handheld spreaders are useful in the summer - ideal for grass seed and fertilizer spreading on small areas. In the winter to offer quick and easy spreading of fine salt or ice melts to office entrances and other doorways. The Cresco 1 is a strong unit with an ergonomic handle and an inbuilt armrest. The hopper can be used to scoop directly out of a seed, salt or fertilizer bag.

Features & Benefits
- Spread Width: 2 metres
- Capacity: 2.5Kg
- Side Spread Control: No
- Dual Port Adjusters: No
- Right Handed
- 5 Apperture Settings
- Extremly lightweight
- Ergonomic handle with rest for easier spreading
- Application Settings Available at the side
- Easy push dispense system
- Hopper designed perfectly for scooping
- 1 Year Limited Warranty

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